
Must read books: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

Earlier this year, we shared our tips on how you can get the most from your sales team. Today, we’re bringing you a book review that will help you get more out of your day and be more productive, with the philosophy, eat that frog.

“Eat that frog”, Mark Twain the American writer, publisher and lecturer, coined the phrase. The philosophy has been most famously written about by Brian Tracy, author of the self-help book, Eat That Frog.

The overview:

Twain once said that “if it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first”. He also goes on to describe the chore of eating ugly frogs. If you have an ugly frog to eat, it doesn’t pay to look at it for very long.

All this talk of eating frogs is pretty unappetising but the metaphor is quite appealing. Mark Twain’s message is simple; you should avoid procrastinating over the big tasks that you need to accomplish in your day. It’s better to focus on ticking those the important things off your list first.

What are the key takeaways from the book?

  1. Decide what you want:
    Choose the goals most important to you. These could be personal goals or career goals. Identifying them will set you on the right path.
  2. Write down your goals:
    By writing down your goals, you’re able to read them on a daily basis. This will help you to focus on the goals, keep them front of mind and ensure you are always working on something that will help you reach your goal.
  3. Set a deadline:
    A deadline makes the goal tangible and helps propel you towards it. Without a deadline, you goals will sit somewhere far into the future and you’ll never start working on them.
  4. Break down the steps:
    Break down the big goals into sub-tasks. This will make goals more attainable and the steps to reaching your goal will less challenging.
  5. List it out:
    Take the time to organise your sub-tasks into lists that are sequenced in priority order.
  6. Take action:
    Your plan is ready. It’s time to take action. Leave procrastination in your past.
  7. Do something every day to move closer to your goal:
    Each day you should do at least one thing from your sub-tasks that will help get you closer to your end goals.

These are the main steps to “Eat That Frog”, but the book is still a must-read, especially for business owners. Not only will it help you, but you can share the details of the book with colleagues, and put an eat that frog mission into your workplace to help others achieve more too.

Reading this book will help you get things done faster and get more of the right things done. Read it today and don’t lose another minute on tasks that do not matter.

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