Covid-19 Dealers
coronavirus covid-19 dealers office supplies dealers office supplies UK wholesale changes
What could the office supplies dealer & wholesaler channel look like post-COVID-19?
We know that everyone in the office supplies industry is feeling the effects of Covid-19. As we're all in this together, we want to share our resources and any knowledge which could help other dealers at the moment as well
7 things dealers can do differently in response to Covid-19
Very few businesses are immune to the effects of Covid-19, and specialists are predicting that we will feel the financial impact for years to come.Right now, the country’s focus is where it should be – on social distancing, staying home,
Covid-19 Industry
BOSS chairman coronavirus covid-19 ecommerce office power office power CEO office supplies industry office supplies UK Simon Drakeford
Q&A with Simon Drakeford, Office Power CEO & BOSS Chairman: What’s the extent of the impact on the industry?
At Office Power we talk to hundreds of dealers every day, as well as discuss the latest events with our connections from both within and outside of our industry. At this strange time communication and awareness of what's going on in