Free report: how to value a business
Would you benefit from optimising the financial performance of your business? Are you looking to attract potential buyers? Do you want to acquire another business? Would you like to get accurate insurance coverage? Whatever your aim is, our latest report
How to improve customer retention
While large companies seem to struggle with customer retention, small organisations like local office supplies dealers have a huge advantage when it comes to customer retention. A smaller customer base allows small companies build closer and more meaningful relationships with
Office Supplies Industry Dealer Group Report
Over the past few months we have interviewed over 100 local office supplies dealers in the UK to explore through quantitative and qualitative analysis the views of a traditional dealer on the dealer group model.Primarily researching dealers that are currently
How to ease the pain of cost price increases
Well, we are all aware that ‘Brexit’ has left the value of the pound weakened to levels not seen since 1985, making imports of products sold in the UK cost more than usual. As a result, we can expect a
New Year’s Business Resolutions for 2017
Have you made a New Year’s business resolution yet? If so, what’s yours going to be for 2017?We’re sure that many people will set a personal goal that they want to reach by the end of the year while others
Use the quiet period to plan ahead
In our industry, December can be a very quiet month but that makes it the ideal opportunity to plan ahead. January usually sees a peak in business for office supplies dealers, so utilise any down time you have in December
Employee Advocacy Ideas for Your Office Supplies Business
Employees and employee advocacy are two of the most valuable marketing assets a business can have, and if you’re not utilising your employees as a part of an overall marketing strategy you could be missing out on a vital opportunity
Book Review: “The One Minute Manager”
This short, simple, easy to read publication will help you to get the best from your team, it may seem very simple, but will surely give you a wake-up call on how to get the most from your staff, and
Top Tips on Entering a New Market
Once a business is established and thriving in its home market, it is often seen as the right time to branch out into a new one. However, as with all new ventures, there are risks attached to this move and
How to make yourself and your business more productive
Sometimes, the problems hindering productivity can be sorted not with large investment, but with a combination of technology and smart thinking. Here are a few ideas on how you can take a step back and find out what can be
Top 10 Employee Engagement Ideas on a Budget
Employee engagement is near the top of most businesses’ priority lists. Company wants to motivate their teams, especially sales teams who are crucial to the success of a business. In today’s market, with increasing competition and employers offering a range of
Book review: The 4-hour work week
Recently we blogged about the book, Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. Today we’re looking at another must-read book for any business professional, especially office supplies dealers. For many office supplies business owners, spinning several plates all at once is exhausting.